Requirements for crypto-asset issuers

A single legal framework for the crypto-asset industry in the European Union (EU) – the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Regulation – has been adopted. It establishes the procedure for obtaining authorisation for crypto-asset activities. According to the single EU framework, Latvia has adopted the Law on Crypto-asset Services, which designates Latvijas Banka as the authority issuing authorisations in Latvia in the field of crypto-assets and supervising this segment of the financial sector.

Depending on the business model, the possibilities for using crypto-assets and  classification thereof, other legal acts in force in Latvia are also applied to their issuers and/or service providers. These legal acts determine compliance of issuers and service providers with certain financial sector regulations and requirements for the licensing process.

The types of crypto-assets subject to authorisation for an offer to the public

If e-money tokens are issued as part of an offer to the public

Like electronic money, such crypto-assets are electronic surrogates for coins and banknotes and can be used for making payments or storing value.

Under the Electronic Money Directive, all e-money tokens are classified as e-money; however, not all forms of e-money are classified as e-money tokens.

The performance of the aforementioned activities is governed by MiCA.

Only credit institutions or electronic money institutions authorised under the Law on Payment Services and Electronic Money are entitled to offer e-money tokens to the public or issue such tokens.

If asset-referenced tokens are issued as part of an offer to the public

Asset-referenced tokens are a type of crypto-assets that is not an e-money token and that purports to maintain a stable value by referencing another value or right or a combination thereof (including one or several official currencies).

The performance of the aforementioned activities is governed by MiCA.

Credit institutions or crypto-asset service providers that have obtained the respective authorisation are entitled to offer asset-referenced tokens to the public or issue such tokens.

If crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens or e-money tokens are issued as part of an offer to the public

This group of crypto-assets encompasses all other crypto-assets if they are transferable, not irreplaceable, and have an identified issuer, and they are not explicitly excluded from the scope of MiCA. They also include utility tokens with the aforementioned characteristics.

The performance of the aforementioned activities is governed by MiCA.

Legal persons that have obtained authorisation to provide crypto-asset services are entitled to offer crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens or e-money tokens to the public or issue such tokens.

Where, within the framework of the initial offer of crypto-assets to the public, investment-type crypto-assets that confer the right to participate in the profit-sharing, financial benefit or management of the company are issued

Investment-type crypto-assets may be qualified and classified as financial instruments within the meaning of the Financial Instrument Market Law (transferable securities – capital, debt, other securities or financial derivatives).

The issuer is entitled to offer such crypto-assets, equivalent to transferable securities, to the public only through an investment firm or a credit institution in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Instrument Market Law, except in cases where all of the following conditions are met concurrently:

  • the issuer has the characteristics of a small or medium-sized enterprise;
  • the total payment calculated for transferable securities does not exceed 3 000 000 euro in 36 months;
  • the issuer makes no more than two offers to the public within a period of 36 months;
  • the offer is made for equity or debt securities.

In case the issuer intends to raise funds where the total consideration in the EU calculated over 12 months is: 

Investment services that an investment service provider is entitled to provide include the following offer of services to the public related to investment-type crypto-assets:

  • reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments,
  • execution of orders on behalf of customers,
  • dealing on own account, portfolio management,
  • investment advice;
  • initial placing of financial instruments, as well as secondary trading through organising the multilateral trading facility and/or the organised trading facility (Clauses 49 and 76 of Section 1 of the Financial Instrument Market Law).

Accordingly, when making an offer to the public before providing the said services the issuer needs to assess whether an investment firm licence for the provision of investment services and ancillary investment services in Latvia should be received.

The types of crypto-assets that are not subject to authorisation for an offer to the public

If crypto-assets that are unique and non-fungible are issued as part of an initial offer of crypto-assets to the public

A crypto-asset, also known as a non-fungible token, is considered unique and non-fungible if its distinctive characteristics and/or rights set it apart from other tokens issued by the same (or any other) issuer.

For example, digital art and collectibles are considered unique and non-fungible crypto-assets. This also applies to crypto-assets that represent services or physical assets that are unique and non-fungible, such as product guarantees or real estate. They are not easily substitutable and their relative value cannot be determined by comparing them to the existing market or similar assets, because each of them is unique. The characteristics of uniqueness and non-fungibility of crypto-assets do not apply to financial instruments.

This is a type of crypto-assets the issuance and use of which should not be subject to Latvijas Banka's authorisation, but it is recommended to consult Latvijas Banka before using them in order to verify the qualification requirements for these assets and the requirements for using them.

The consultation contact point established by Latvijas Banka – Innovation Hub – is open for consultations and discussions with companies planning their activities or already operating in the field of crypto-assets in Latvia. Latvijas Banka's experts will evaluate the planned/existing business model and provide advice on the applicable regulation.


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